創業 1894年 / Founded in 1894
〒389-0102 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町軽井沢925 / 925 Karuizawa Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun Nagano 389-0102 Japan
Hospitality, from the heart, is what makes a truly great hotel.”—Mampei Sato Mampei Hotel traces its origins to the Kameya Inn, founded in 1764 to accommodate travelers passing through Karuizawa. In 1894, inspired by the patronage of Canadian missionaries, Mampei Sato transformed the hostelry into Karuizawa's first Western-style hotel. Through his experience with overseas guests Mampei learned that warm hospitality and dedicated service ranscended language barriers. To this day the classic hotel lives by its founder's credo : “Hospitality, from the heart, is what makes a truly great hotel.”